Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Tuesday 1/18/11

Today is my chill day being that I only ad one class, and that was at 12:30. So I had that class which was pretty awkward. Professor pretty much talked about how girls are better than guys at masturbating. (This is Intro. to Psychology if you were wondering).

Let's see... I started running again after taking a two year break from doing any sort of cardio. The most "cardio" I got in on a daily basis before today was biking to and from school, which isn't too far, but just far enough to be a pain in the ass to do at 8am right after waking up. That didn't go to well. Two years ago I could run for an hour straight without stopping or slowing down and cover maybe 3-4 miles in that time. It took me about ten minutes walking to the park, and another ten to walk back, so in total I averaged about one mile every ten minutes. Now, as of today, I can't run for more than five minutes before I feel like I have to yak. Unfortunately I only ran for about ten minutes today and walked for another ten. Oh, and I was running on a fucking treadmill, how fucking sad is that. If anything, it should be easier on a treadmill INSIDE a fucking building. For one being that there's no air resistance, and two being that the ground never changes. There are no changes in altitude (hills, slopes and shit, etc.) and the thing pretty much gives you a boost 100% of the time.

I have no clue why I stopped running to say the truth. When I first started I was pretty fucking fat: 226lb and about 5"11. After nine months I was 149lb. I honestly didn't notice that I was losing weight when I first started. People would just tell me that I looked skinnier but I didn't see the results myself.

Just a side thought here. When people tell you that you look skinner... they're really saying that you were a fat ass before, and that only now are you beginning to look like less of a fat ass. Calling you "skinnier" is just a nicer way to put it.

So, I failed at running, hopefully tomorrow I'll do better. I'm aiming for twenty minutes this time.

Aside from running I gave it a go and started using some of our shitty fitness equipment. We have a seated leg-press, a military press, bench press (which is weird because you push it forward), fly, leg extension and leg curl machine. Overall I didn't see anything irregular, although there was this one dude who walked in, did ten dips, ten pull-ups, and then walked out. What's the point of that? Seriously.

I'm at 190-200lb. right now, so It should take no more than three months to burn 20 lb. of fat. I think I'll be lifting too, so losing 20lb. as a net total will take a little longer if I build some muscle.


  1. gotcha covered brah, hit me back

  2. Go without carbs for a week. Seriously. If you are eating from a dininghall it will force you to eat significantly below maintenance calories. Should be able to drop 5+ lbs in a week.

  3. I've done it before, as you read in my blog post. I know I can be below 170 before summer if I wanted to, it's just that time doesn't permit me to like it did before when I was still in high school. What you said is true, though, about the dining halls. The food here is shit. The nutritional value is shit. The taste is shit. I hate the food here.
